Biden Administration Announces National Cybersecurity Strategy

The Biden Administration recently released the “National Cybersecurity Strategy” which highlights the executive branch approach to shoring up the nation’s cybersecurity risk management for both the public and private sector. The strategy calls for modernizing federal systems' cybersecurity defenses while also increasing offensive hacking capabilities in the intelligence community. The Biden strategy focuses on collaboration with public and private entities in five areas:

  • Defending Critical Infrastructure
  • Dismantle and Disrupt Threat Actors
  • Shape Market Forces to Drive Security and Resilience
  • Invest in a Resilient Future
  • Forge International Partnerships with Shared Goals

The strategy builds off existing executive orders (National Security Strategy, Executive Order 14028, National Security Memorandum 5, and others) as well as legislative efforts on Capitol Hill. One item highlighted in the plan is implementing a plan to work with Congress and the private sector on legislation that would hold software makers liable for security issues if they fail to follow security best practices. Additionally, the Administration will review gaps in the current regulatory structure to determine what rules and regulatory changes are necessary to protect critical infrastructure.

Click here to read the Biden Administration’s National Cybersecurity Strategy.
Click here to read the Administration’s fact sheet on the Cybersecurity Strategy.