Nasdaq Releases White Paper on Board Utilization of Emerging Innovation

The Nasdaq Center for Board Excellence recently released a white paper entitled, “Revolutionary Technology: How Boards Can Learn from Emerging Innovation.” The paper focuses on highlighting how directors can proactively address developments in the generative artificial intelligence (AI) space. The paper discusses the role of the board and the continual learning process directors must follow to fulfill their duty to shareholders. The development of AI will require boards to engage in hands on learning, as well as engage with trusted experts and maintain a stead line of communication with management. Generative AI may also increase efficiency, the paper notes, “Research on generative AI has shown gains in efficiency in the range of 50% and higher,” and provides an example of transcribing meeting discussions into minutes with key takeaways included. The paper notes “directors will want to ask questions of their CEO and senior leadership teams about AI usage, product integrations, competitor intelligence, and how it is influencing the evolving business strategy.” The white paper includes a brief discussion of augmented reality, the layering of digital images in the board room of charts, metrics, and product demonstrations.

Click here to read the Nasdaq Center for Board Excellence white paper “Revolutionary Technology: How Boards Can Learn from Emerging Innovation.”